kamar uji bahasa Inggris
- kamar: apartment; chamber; stateroom; room; bedroom;
- uji: prove; run; essay; test; experiment; try out;
- uji: prove; run; essay; test; experiment; try out; trial; trial run; examine; try; tryout
- kamar: apartment; chamber; stateroom; room; bedroom; bedchamber; compartment; sleeping room; sleeping accommodation
- batang uji: test-rad
- batu uji: acid test; touchstone; touchstone (assaying tool); amount; quantity; measure
- batu-uji: touch stone
- beban uji: test-load
- flensa-uji: test flange
- katup uji: test-valve
- mesin-uji: testing-machine
- metoda uji: method of testing
- olahraga uji: demonstration sport
- peralatan uji: testing equipment
- tahan uji: dogged; stand the test; time-tested; go; wear; resist; live; extend; stand firm; exsert; hold up; hold out; live on; last; stretch out; survive; withstand; put out; stretch forth; endure
- JL-9K1L High Temperature Pressure Jet Waterproof Test Chamber
JL-9K1L Kamar Uji Tekanan Tinggi Tahan Air Jet - IP34 Automatic Environmental Test Chamber 80-150KPA Spray Pressure
Kamar Uji Lingkungan Otomatis IP34 80-150KPA Tekanan Semprot - BPHS series High-low temperature &humidity test chamber
Seri BPHS Kamar uji suhu & kelembaban tinggi-rendah - The Precautions Of Constant Temperature And Humidity Test Chamber
Tindakan Pencegahan Suhu Konstan Dan Kamar Uji Kelembaban - HD-E710-3 Water Shower Test Chamber - IPX5&6.pdf
Kamar Uji Air HD-E710-3 - IPX5 & 6.pdf - Top Brand Climatic Test Chamber Since 1990
Kamar Uji Iklim Top Brand Sejak 1990 - High And Low Temperature Test Chamber (100)
Kamar Uji Suhu Tinggi Dan Rendah (100) - High And Low Temperature Test Chamber (96)
Kamar Uji Suhu Tinggi Dan Rendah (96) - High And Low Temperature Test Chamber (93)
Kamar Uji Suhu Tinggi Dan Rendah (93) - High And Low Temperature Test Chamber (97)
Kamar Uji Suhu Tinggi Dan Rendah (97)
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